The mission of the Ambassador Committee is to provide a personal connection to the new and renewing members by having members of the group make personal visits.
Monthly Events
Mixers are monthly networking events where members can introduce their businesses to industry professionals from the Tampa Bay Beaches. This is a fun and easy way to make connections.
Learn @ Lunches
Learn @ Lunches are quarterly events where members network, enjoy lunch and get a short lesson on a specific topic. This is a great way to learn new trends and practical skills while socializing with other business professionals.
VIP Lunches
VIP Lunches are exclusive only to Members. These quarterly events where members network, pitch their business and learn how to best utilize their membership with the Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber.
Ribbon Cuttings
Ribbon Cuttings are great way to welcome new businesses into our community! These ceremonial events give you a change to meet your neighbors, elected officials and members of the chamber.
Our Ribbon Cutting Package includes:
- A chamber representative in attendance with scheduled program
- Use of all "Grand Opening" signage, including yard signs, feather flags and banners
- Large ribbon cutting scissors and ribbon
- Your event featured on the community and chamber calendar
- An invitation to elected officials
- A Media Contact List
- A sample Press Release
- A Poster template
Sponsorship Opportunites
The Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber offers a variety of opportunities to connect with visitors, fellow business owners and members of the community through sponsorships.
Our sponsorships are cost-effective ways to reach our over 650 members or thousands of visitors that are coming to the beaches, depending on your demographic. We offer digital sponsorship like e-Newsletter and web display ads and opportunities for you to meet members in person like our event sponsorships.
Sponsorships are a great way to get your business noticed. The Chamber can even create customized sponsorship packages to meet your needs.